Marketing companies know how to reach our minds to create the need to buy their products right away. Have you ever struggled with your budget? Do you discover numerous non-essential purchases by the end of your credit card cycle? Here is how to avoid non-essential spending. Check out Budgeting 101. Wait 48 hours Whenever you …
When should I update my budget?
Quick and to the point! I hope after this article you no longer wonder when you should update your budget! Start now: Every year, at least Take the opportunity in January while you are doing New Year’s resolutions and re-evaluate every category and percentage. Aim to increase your savings rate every single year. See: Exposed …
Exposed! Monthly Budget Spend
Keeping track of your monthly budget and all the money in and out is crucial to keep you on a strong savings plan. I adjust my budget a few times a year when my family encounters a new milestone, for example: when I had my baby and my income changed from a full-time pay to …
Budgeting 101
It is rare to find a person that has learned since a young age the importance of money and budgeting. I am not talking about spending money, because most of us are really good at that; or to be rich, because we all want to be that. I mean financial education. Money is not the …