When you are not real, things go wrong, 100% of the time. Even when the intention is good, there is conflict inside of you because there is a mismatch of thought and action. You are missing authenticity. As we grow older and wiser, we learn from outside of our family world how other people behave, …
April 2020
Household Items Turned into Toys
With every toy bought or gifted, accumulation starts to happen and your living room now looks like a unicorn sitting on a rainbow, there’s colour everywhere. Soon after, you realize that either you don’t want to spend any more money on toys which are really expensive or, you just don’t want to have any more …
How to Cook Less and Save Money on Home Made Meals
Eating at home is a win-win for our pocket and our health. Most people have busy weeks with full-time jobs and a house to take care of, plus family, hobbies and social life. We can’t do it all, right? Take a look at these tips to decrease the amount of time you spend in the kitchen …
10 Sustainable Household Items to Help the Environment
A little thing can go very, very far. Most people have the option to impact the environment in a positive or negative way. If you have the option, take a look at the following sustainable household items and products that are safe for your home and most importantly, are very eco-friendly. 1. From Swiffer wet …
My Top Retirement ETFs: Canada
One of my frugal inspirations of life and loved politician is Mr. Jose Mujica. He is the ex-president of Uruguay and known as the poorest president in the world. He donated 90% of his salary to local charities and drove his old Volkswagen Beetle while being a president. Want to know more about him? Check …
5 Simple Tips to Look Younger
We can’t avoid genes, some people have great genetic material and have amazing big eyes, muscular tone, figure or skin. Your habits will present your true self 20 years from now rather than what you inherited from your parents. I’ve summarized 5 simple tips to look younger below, keep reading 🙂 You don’t need to …
How to Strengthen your Will: One Year, Month by Month Challenge
There’s no magic recipe to change who you are now, strengthen your will and to be a brand new person tomorrow. Sorry! Monthly challenges are so important. Will is a skill that you need to cultivate and work on every day. I heard this from somewhere else, but it is like being clean and smelling …
Self Care Routine, Once a Week
As adults, we tend to care for everyone, except ourselves. Most young adults and professionals have a busy Monday to Friday chaotic routine. Everyone wakes up early in the morning to go to work, then in the evening, most look after house chores, cooking, taking care of children (and husband?). The hours in every day …
How to Wash Cloth Diapers
In this article, you’ll find out how to wash cloth diapers. There’s an infinity of resources out there but Fluff Love University is the place to go for everything related to cloth diapers. Check it out! I decided to try cloth diapers for several reasons: Cheaper. Eco-friendly. Check out my 10 Sustainable Household Items recommendations …