Making everyday easier


Weekend Productivity Tips

If you ever struggle during weekdays on things like cooking, house chores and work, this is a great piece of advice for you! Weekdays are usually dedicated to our jobs and families. Weekends may be for relaxing and getting ready for next week; even more now with these 5 Weekend Productivity tips!

Here is the list to make your Monday to Friday less of a struggle. 

1. Choose ONE important task to get done. Top weekend productivity tip!

We usually postpone non-urgent but important things in our lives. Make a goal for your weekend that X thing needs to be done and completed for good. Examples are: Taxes, cleaning all the windows, cleaning your car, etc.

2. Batch cook for next week

Choose one of your meals that requires meal prep or intensive cooking during the weekend and piggyback an additional meal for next week. Choose some meals that can be frozen and stored for a few days in the fridge without the risk of getting spoiled. I like to cook lasagna, shepherd pie, soups or Indian food. Check out my recipes section!

3. Plan your successful weekend

What does a successful weekend look like for you? Write down the things that you consider important and set up a time on Saturday or Sunday during the morning, afternoon or evening. Make your weekend productivity be based on a mix of wants and needs.

4. Do some housework, but not too much!

If you are used to saving your cleaning for the weekend, make sure to give yourself some time to sit down and read some pages of your favourite book and enjoy the things that are important to you to keep you motivated.

5. Put together everyone’s outfits 

Especially yours or your children’s. Spend 5 minutes per person selecting their morning clothes. This will save time and stress every single morning. I use a small foldable bin and put 5 outfits inside of it. You can also use a special dresser/drawer from your bedroom. 

Did this sparked some other ideas? Great! Keep growing.

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