Making everyday easier

Showing: 19 - 27 of 40 Articles

The Real Value of Authenticity

When you are not real, things go wrong, 100% of the time. Even when the intention is good, there is conflict inside of you because there is a mismatch of thought and action. You are missing authenticity. As we grow older and wiser, we learn from outside of our family world how other people behave, …

Polar bear

My Top Retirement ETFs: Canada

One of my frugal inspirations of life and loved politician is Mr. Jose Mujica. He is the ex-president of Uruguay and known as the poorest president in the world. He donated 90% of his salary to local charities and drove his old Volkswagen Beetle while being a president. Want to know more about him? Check …

5 Simple Tips to Look Younger

We can’t avoid genes, some people have great genetic material and have amazing big eyes, muscular tone, figure or skin. Your habits will present your true self 20 years from now rather than what you inherited from your parents. I’ve summarized 5 simple tips to look younger below, keep reading 🙂 You don’t need to …